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Innovative Toolbox empowering effective CAP governance towards EU ambitions (Tools4CAP)


European Comission


2022 – ongoing


DESCA Model Consortium Agreement for Horizon Europe, coordinated by ECORYS BRUSSELS NV, Belgium


The New Delivery Model (NDM) established in the Regulation EU 2115/2021 entails significant changes to Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) governance with the introduction of the Strategic Plans (SP) and new monitoring, review and evaluation requirements. The new CAP is also expected to contribute to the European Green Deal (GD), encompassing a set of new EU strategies with specific sustainability targets to be achieved in the mid-term. General objectives of the project: The ambition of Tools4CAP is to support the design, monitoring and evaluation of the CAP Strategic Plans (SP) by helping Member States to adopt methods and tools to their needs. The project will deliver quantitative and qualitative solutions, customized to the needs of Member States, including modelling tools with foresight capacity (e.g. CAPRI, GLOBIOM, Slovenian TKMG-tool, IFM-CAP, EDM-tools). The project will also develop human capacity in MS organizations to use these tools for designing SPs. Preparing case studies is the key approach for capacity building, including the case of using CAPRI in the Hungarian decision-making (Eurocare-AKI cooperation).

Specific objectives of the project:

  • Provide a shared knowledge base and an evaluate existing methods and tools used for the design and implementation of the SP.
  • Identify and adapt innovative methods and tools (including modelling and forecasting tools) for the design and implementation of the SP
  • Support policy-making to adopt innovative solutions (e.g. ex-ante modelling) for the design and implementation of national SPs
  • Demonstrate the practical use of innovative solutions (e.g. modelling tools) for the design and implementation of the SPs by case studies
  • Set up a capacity building hub to support the end users of the innovative solutions (typically in MS governmental organizations) for the design and implementation of the SP
  • Contributions of EuroCARE

    EuroCARE focuses on the adaptations of CAPRI for evidence-based design of national SPs. Furthermore, EuroCARE will work closely with the Hungarian partner (AKI) to prepare a case study and guidelines for using CAPRI for decision-making on future SPs:

  • In WP1, available modelling and forecasting tools are evaluated with a focus on how to link CAPRI to other modelling tools for CAP analysis.
  • In WP2, challenges and barriers for using the CAPRI model for CAP governance will be identified. Guidelines and best practices for scenario work with CAPRI for supporting the evidence-based design of national SPs will be prepared.
  • In WP5, EuroCARE will cooperate with AKI to prepare a case study on using the CAPRI model for designing the future Hungarian SPs. The case study will demonstrate the use of CAPRI in national policy design and the use of the model at national governments.
  • In WP6, EuroCARE will contribute to the capacity building in Member States; training activities on CAPRI and contributions to workshops with stakeholders and end-users in national governments.


    Butault J.-P., Bureau, J.-C., Witzke H.-P., Heckelei, T.,(2012): Comparative analysis of agricultural support within the major agricultural trading nations, European Parliament